BUM BUM was born from the principle of not designing objects, but rather musical instruments to be used for another purpose; the same as a person who holds a shell to their ear to hear the ocean. This collection that has tubular shapes allows us to experiment with light and sound simultaneously. It’s “Argonautic” form enables us to create a new environment, as well as atmospheric spaces.

Made of polyethylene resin by rotational molding. 100% Recyclable. Item suitable for indoor and outdoor use.

Contact an Amodernary Representative for questions about Special Order Options !

*Battery must be purchased separately for LED options


Available in Matte, Lacquer, and LED Finishes with 15+ Colorways
Suitable for Outdoor and Indoor Use

Dimensions | 58.25″ x 27.25″ x  14.75″
Commercially Viable | Yes

Lacquered Light – Lacquered polyethylene. Includes white ambient light with white LED.

Matte Light – Matte polyethylene. Includes white ambient light with white LED.

Lacquered RGB LED – Lacquered polyethylene. Includes ambient RGB LED light operated by remote control. Colors can be selected or changed automatically (white, red, green, blue, light blue, pink and yellow)

Matte RBG LED – Matte polyethylene. Includes ambient RGB LED light operated by remote control. Colors can be selected or changed automatically (white, red, green, blue, light blue, pink and yellow)

Matte RGB LED DMX – Matte polyethylene. Includes ambient RGB LED light operated by DMX512 wireless, allowing the connection to light control systems (XLR), WI-FI routers, home, etc.

Lacquered RGB LED DMX – Lacquered polyethylene. Includes ambient RGB LED light operated by DMX512 wireless, allowing the connection to light control systems (XLR), Wi-Fi routers, home, etc.

Matte RGB LED Battery – Matte polyethylene. Includes cordless RGB LED ambient light with rechargeable batteries, operated by remote control.

Lacquered RGB LED Battery – Lacquered polyethylene. Includes cordless RGB LED ambient light with rechargeable batteries, operated by remote control.

RGB – Red Green Blue (Primary Colors) Producing over 16 million hues of light in the RGB Combinations.

DMX – Digital Multiplex – Control the lighting wirelessly and remotely




Additional information
Step 1: Choose Finish + Lighting Upgrade Options



Matte LED White


Matte LED RGBW Battery


Matte LED RGBW Cable


Matte LED RGBW DMX Battery


Matte LED RGBW DMX Cable




Lacquer LED White


Lacquer LED RGBW Battery


Lacquer LED RGBW Cable


Lacquer LED RGBW DMX Battery


Lacquer LED RGBW DMX Cable

Step 2: Choose Correlating Color with Finish+ Lighting Upgrade Options

Matte Orange


Matte Ice


Matte Notte Blue


Matte Crema


Matte Green


Matte Purjai Red


Matte White


Matte Black


Matte Bronze


Matte Steel


Matte Anthracite


Matte Red


Matte Khaki


Matte Taupe


Matte Ecru


Matte Beige


Lacquered Orange


Lacquered Notte Blue


Lacquered Crema


Lacquered Purjai Red


Lacquered White


Lacquered Black


Lacquered Bronze


Lacquered Steel


Lacquered Anthracite


Lacquered Red


Lacquered Khaki


Lacquered Taupe


Lacquered Ecru


Lacquered Beige


Matte Light Ice


Matte Light White


Matte Light Black


Matte Light Bronze


Matte Light


Matte Light Steel


Matte Light Anthracite


Matte Light Red


Matte Light Pistachio


Matte Light Orange


Matte Light Khaki


Matte Light Navy


Matte Light Taupe


Matte Light Plum


Matte Light Ecru


Matte Light Beige


Lacquered RGB LED White


Lacquered RGB LED Black


Lacquered RGB LED Bronze


Lacquered RGB LED Steel


Lacquered RGB LED Anthracite


Lacquered RGB LED Red


Lacquered RGB LED Pistachio


Lacquered RGB LED Orange


Lacquered RGB LED Khaki


Lacquered RGB LED Navy


Lacquered RGB LED Taupe


Lacquered RGB LED Plum


Lacquered RGB LED


Lacquered RGB LED Ecru


Lacquered RGB LED Beige


Lacquered RGB LED Champany




Matte RGB LED Ice


Matte RGB LED White


Matte RGB LED Black


Matte RGB LED Bronze


Matte RGB LED Steel


Matte RGB LED Anthracite


Matte RGB LED Red


Matte RGB LED Pistachio


Matte RGB LED Orange


Matte RGB LED Khaki


Matte RGB LED Navy


Matte RGB LED Taupe


Matte RGB LED Plum


Matte RGB LED Ecru


Matte RGB LED Beige




Matte RGB LED DMX White


Matte RGB LED DMX Black


Matte RGB LED DMX Bronze


Matte RGB LED DMX Anthracite




Matte RGB LED DMX Pistachio


Matte RGB LED DMX Orange


Matte RGB LED DMX Khaki


Matte RGB LED DMX Navy


Matte RGB LED DMX Taupe


Matte RGB LED DMX Plum


Matte RGB LED DMX Ecru


Matte RGB LED DMX Beige


Lacquered RGB LED DMX White


Lacquered RGB LED DMX Black


Lacquered RGB LED DMX Brozne


Lacquered RGB LED DMX Steel


Lacquered RGB LED DMX Anthracite


Lacquered RGB LED DMX Red


Lacquered RGB LED DMX Pistachio


Lacquered RGB LED DMX Orange


Lacquered RGB LED DMX Khaki


Lacquered RGB LED DMX Navy


Lacquered RGB LED DMX Taupe


Lacquered RGB LED DMX Plum


Lacquered RGB LED DMX Ecru


Lacquered RGB LED DMX Beige


Lacquered RGB LED DMX Champany


Matte RGB LED Battery Ice


Matte RGB LED Battery White


Matte RGB LED Battery Black


Matte RGB LED Battery Bronze


Matte RGB LED Battery Steel


Matte RGB LED Battery Anthracite


Matte RGB LED Battery Red


Matte RGB LED Battery Pistachio


Matte RGB LED Battery Orange


Matte RGB LED Battery Khaki


Matte RGB LED Battery Navy


Matte RGB LED Battery Taupe


Matte RGB LED Battery Plum


Matte RGB LED Battery Ecru


Matte RGB LED Battery Beige


Lacquered RGB LED Battery White


Lacquered RGB LED Battery Black


Lacquered RGB LED Battery Bronze


Lacquered RGB LED Battery Steel


Lacquered RGB LED Battery Anthracite


Lacquered RGB LED Battery Red


Lacquered RGB LED Battery Pistachio


Lacquered RGB LED Battery Orange


Lacquered RGB LED Battery Khaki


Lacquered RGB LED Battery Navy


Lacquered RGB LED Battery Taupe


Lacquered RGB LED Battery Plum


Lacquered RGB LED Battery Ecru


Lacquered RGB LED Battery Beige


Lacquered RGB LED Battery Champany

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